Let's Agree to Make 2025 Our Best Year Yet! - Part 4

Let's Agree to Make 2025 Our Best Year Yet! - Part 4

4. Are You Drinking Enough Water?

How often do you drink enough water in a day? My guess is not as often as you should. Even though we stop to drink many times a day, we rarely drink sufficient pure, clean, unadulterated water. 

When you drink tea or coffee, you are adding compounds like caffeine and tannins to your water, and these substances act as diuretics, with the result that your kidneys eliminate more water than you have taken in! Sugar-laden soft drinks not only increase weight, but trigger the kidneys to eliminate the sugar, leaving you dehydrated and fatigued.

Our circulation, cells, and organs require sufficient water each day to function, for the transportation of nutrients, and for the elimination of toxins, so it is vitally important that we drink enough water each day. 

We recommend that you should aim to drink a minimum of 2 litres a day, but how can you remember to do this? The best way that I have found is to always have a drink bottle with me, even when I am home. The presence of the drink bottle reminds me to drink, and I can keep track of how much I am drinking by how many bottles-full I consume in a day.

Here are some things about water that you may not know:

  • Water makes up 83% of your blood and carries nutrients and oxygen to your cells.
  • We each drink around 1000 litres of water a year.
  • We exhale a little more than a cup of water every day!
  • Water taken at the correct time maximises its effectiveness on the human body

Water carries mineral and nutrients, but can also carry chemicals and disease

Pollution of our fresh drinking water is a problem for almost half the world’s population. Each year there are about 250 million cases of water-based diseases, resulting in roughly 5-10 million deaths. The six main diseases from unclean water are diarrhoea, schistosomiasis, trachoma, infestation with ascaris, guinea worm, and/or hookworm.

Aluminium Sulphate is used to purify fresh water and mineral water. It causes impurities to coagulate and settle to the bottom of the container where they are more easily filtered and removed. 

In Australia, water is then treated with both chlorine and fluoride. Fluoride is a known endocrine disruptor, causing calcification of the Pineal Gland and blocking the iodine receptors in the Thyroid Gland and throughout the body. Chlorine is also a known endocrine disruptor and has been linked to an increased incidence of Colon Cancer. Bottled water is NOT necessarily cleaner than tap water.

So knowing all of this, what do you do to ensure the cleanliness of your water?

Some of us choose to filter our water to remove the chlorine, fluoride and aluminium that it contains.

There are a variety of different filter system you can purchase, and it can get quite confusing! So here are some things to consider:
  1. Does the filter system remove both chlorine and fluoride from the water? (Many don't)
  2. Can the system run without electricity? We settled on a Berkey because it will still work even when the power goes out.
  3. Is the system portable enough to take with you eg. in a caravan or motor home? Again, this is why we chose a Berkey.
  4. If the filter removes all of the minerals from the water, is there some way that you can replace them so that you don't inadvertently become mineral deficient? Some filter systems replace minerals after filtration, while others don't.
Mineral Essence and MegaCal are two Young Living supplements that can help restore the minerals that you might be missing. You can find out more about these and other supplements by downloading this Wellness Guide:

 If you are new to Young Living and wish to place an order, please use this link: Order Now

What measures have you taken to purify your water, and increase your water intake? Comment below!